Healing from Giving

Over $100,000 was raised directly in Daniel’s name

After Daniel’s death we named two organizations as recipients for gifts in Daniel’s name: Unbound (then called CFCA, the Christian Foundation for Children and Youth), and a scholarship fund at the University of Colorado.

After receiving many donations mentioning Daniel, Unbound asked us if we’d be willing to let them conduct a special fund drive in Daniel’s name to build a school in Guatemala, where we had been sponsoring a poor child for a few years. After we agreed, CFCA put out a special bulletin to its mailing list, telling Daniel’s story.

While only $31,000 was the target goal, the amount needed for the school, Unbound raised over $77,000.  We traveled to Guatemala in 2000 to see the results of this fundraising and what it was used to build. You can read about that heartwarming trip on another page.       

The memorial scholarship fund at the University of Colorado received over $20,000 but is now closed. 

Daniel walked with us on an AIDS walk, in 1997 and 1998.